Sunday 27 October 2013

Year 3 Minor Project Week 5 - "And Son..." Benjamin revisions

After a chat with tutor Justin, I have made some revisions to the Benjamin sketches.

Firstly Justin felt the black mourning outfit needed breaking up.  There are restrictions on our colour palette because of the narrative, so I have kept to a range of greys. The red-and-white bow tie is necessary to the story.
Justin also felt the original boots were "wrong": too stubby and rounded, so I have revised these using reference material.
Justin suggested making the coat tails long to help make Benjamin's clothes look too large, but I'm not sure about this, I think it makes it a bit too comical.
 The second set of sketches show revised faces now that we have settled on a face with widely spaced eyes, large low ears, and a wide forehead.


  1. Benjamin is soo charming!! Love 7 the best :)

  2. Hi Chrissie - can you complete a 'health declaration form' and give into Campus Registry asap - for the Prague trip - apparently they don't have one for you. Cheers!
